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Star Stable – Online Horse Game Review [2022]

Everything Mommyhood was compensated for this post. All opinions are those of my own and were not influenced in any way.

“I want a pony!” is something you might commonly hear a little girl say and I don’t know about you, but we don’t have the time or money to get the girls a horse! The next best option is the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for your PC/Mac, called Star Stable.

Star Stable is an online horse game for players all over the world to enjoy the adventures of riding and taking care of a horse! Your child will create and name a character and her horse, then ride on horseback to explore a 3D world. There are quests to accept, competitions to partake in, and an interesting epic story that they get to be involved in.

Star Stable Online Game Review2022

Star Stable promotes fun, creativity, and it’s a safe way for them to become engaged in a virtual world. They can interact and make friends with fellow horse-loving friends all over the world, sharing in the mysteries and adventure through over 17 levels of play and advancement! The storyline in Star Stable features new plots, twists, quests, and explore areas that are added weekly. Star Stable is played by over 5 million people in 180 countries and 11 languages.

Star Stable Online Game Review2022

As a parent, one of my concerns was for safety so I want to make sure to let you know that Star Stable is completely safe, as per the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. There are no third-party affiliations and it does not collect any information that might locate or identify your children. The chat is a great way for your children to make friends and socialize with other Star Stable users. It moderators and monitors all chat, preventing the exchange of personal information and filtering out bad words or trigger phrases.

Star Stable Online Game Review2022

Star Stable encourages learning and development through reading, problem-solving, imagination, and even a sense of responsibility! When your child is given quests and tasks, they use problem-solving skills. Speaking to characters in the game, as well as other players, promotes reading. The way that your children care for their own horses and manage their Star Coins helps build a sense of responsibility along with money management.

I sat with my daughter while we played Star Stable and I helped her learn her way around the game. We worked on her hand-eye coordination as she navigated her character through the game. She enjoyed naming her horse and character, choosing their physical characteristics such as hair color. As a member, she’ll have access to special clothing, equipment, and horses too.

Star Stable Online Game Review2022

One thing that I’m excited about as the mom is her weekly “allowance” of 100 Star Coins. We’ve played other online games and because she doesn’t yet fully understand the concept of money, she blows through every “cent” immediately. Because of all of the cool options in Star Stable, I feared that she would do the same but knowing that she will only receive a specific amount of coins each week should really help her learn to budget her coins!

Star Stable Online Game Review2022

Star Stable seems like a really entertaining game for my girls and it seems like it will really grow with them as it’s ever-changing. After all, I know a lot of adults who are very interested in their massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Star Stable encourages so much progress and learning for my children, I am looking forward to seeing what kinds of things they learn while they’re playing games and having fun on our computer!

Get it: Star Stable

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